All newsprint mills manufacture newsprint solely for printing. Southwest Paper utilizes newsprint in the packaging industry for packing specialty products like china, glass products, and interleaving between plastic sheets to keep them from sticking together. One of the disadvantages of newsprint is the product is strictly controlled by supply and demand. There are no mills that manufacture newsprint for the packaging industry. Our supply is based on excess inventory, damaged products, or rolls that did not meet printing specifications. This is why pricing and availability will fluctuate. Sometimes rather quickly. All newsprint comes in a 28 – 32 pound Basis Weight.

Here is a list of standard roll sizes with Southwest Paper part numbers:

Width 30#
10 N1030
15 N1530
18 N1830
24 N2430
30 N3030
36 N3630
48 N4830

Packers News

24 x 36 50lbs per Bundle

One of the advantages of packers news is its low cost. We are able to sheet up to 12 rolls at a time and maintain the loose specifications on the actual size of the sheets. The industry tolerance on size is plus or minus 2 inches. With the loose specifications, we are able to maintain a minimal or NO trim loss therefore keeping our prices competitive. If your application requires much more accurate specifications, please notify your sales rep upon request.

To get a quote, Click Here